Where to Eat

Hungry? Check out the amazing places Canton has to offer for sating your appetite!


Dunkin' Donuts

103 East Main Street

Canton, NY 13617

(315) 386-4430

Joey's @ Roos House (seasonal)

34 Cornell Drive

Canton, NY 13617

(315) 386-7634

Josie's Pizzeria

25 Main Street

Canton, NY 13617

(315) 323-3734

Jreck Subs

82 Main Street

Canton, NY 13617

(315) 379-9221

Little Italy

107 Main Street

Canton, NY 13617

(315) 714-3535

Meadows Restaurant, The

5825 County Route 27

Canton, NY 13617

(315) 386-1139

Morgan's (seasonal)

8 Park Street

Canton, NY 13617

No. A1 Oriental Kitchen

43 Main Street

Canton, NY 13617

(315) 386-3778

Northstar Café (St. Lawrence University)

23 Romoda Drive

Canton, NY 13617

(315) 229-5995

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